The Self-Healing Toolkit

The Busy Woman’s Online Course to Combat the Stress of the Modern World

Self-guided Course Material

Unlimited Q & A 

Actionable Assignments

The Self-Healing Toolkit is the holistic wellness solution you need to transform your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being

Our unique system is jam-packed with practical tools, comprehensive training, and detailed resources to help you go from surviving to thriving without overwhelm in just 8 weeks!

Wondering if the SHTK course is right for you? Here’s How You’ll Know

You are:

  • A women with chronic illness who has tried everything, but hasn’t found a way to consistently feel peace and safety in her mind and body.

  • A people pleaser who wants to heal the root cause her physical symptoms through safe & natural remedies.

  • An overwhelmed woman who wants to feel better in her body through science-based remedies without wasting time.

  • An anxious woman who needs a cost-effective wellness solution that actually works.

If you’re nodding your head and saying, “That’s me!” You’re in the right place

What You Get:

No. 1

Science-based ways to cope with stress and heal past trauma so you can be the most happy and confident version of yourself.

No. 2

Natural remedies to limit bloating, inflammation, digestive issues, and chronic fatigue / pain.

No. 3

Progress monitoring form using 4 pillars of wellness to keep you accountable and motivate you to get real results as you complete the course.

No. 4

A step-by-step weekly roadmap to take the guesswork and overwhelm out of your healing journey.

No. 5

6 Months Access to The Self-Healing Toolkit Community

  • A community of like-minded women to make authentic connections and receive peer support while on your self-healing journey

  • Live bimonthly virtual workshops to keep you updated on the latest wellness trends

Trusted by...

What Other Women Are Saying…

I’ve been able to take the tools I’ve learned to calm down my nervous system and use them literally anywhere. The program’s flexibility allowed me to pace myself and revisit materials, accommodating my busy schedule.
— Justine C., CPA

Get results of your own 

with the Self-Healing Toolkit 

for less than the price of 2 therapy sessions!

$599 USD

$399 USD

Psst…This special intro offer is the ONLY time this course will ever be priced this low!

I’ve been able to keep a simple daily routine for myself that has given me more energy, less brain fog, and helped me feel more grounded. I’ve been to other doctors, but this has truly made a difference in how I feel day-to-day!
— Kelci H., Project Manager

What’s Inside the Self-Healing Toolkit…

  • Learn why recognizing the effect of stress and trauma on your mind and body is crucial to functioning in your day to day life.

  • Our values-based rating form to track your progress in the course so you can grow in the areas that matter most to you.

  • Detailed journal prompts to gain clarity on your ideal life and set personal goals for this course.

Building the Foundation for Self-Healing

Heal Your Gut

  • Be able to recognize when and why changes need to be made in your diet or lifestyle.

  • Tools to finally heal the root cause of your physical symptoms instead of just masking them.

  • Learn the three essential steps to transform your gut health.

  • Understand the gut-brain connection to improve your stress resilience.

  • Evidence-based framework to understand your emotions that makes them seem less daunting.

  • Why you’ve been getting stuck in your emotions and how to actually process them so you can move forward.

  • Step-by-step process to approach deep emotions in a safe and manageable way.

  • Seven ways to complete the stress cycle so you can achieve safety in your body.

Master Your Emotions

Regulate Your Nervous System

  • Knowledge to consistently access peace and safety in your body through the science of your nervous system.

  • Create a personalized “roadmap” of your nervous system to bring relief in times of high stress.

  • Guided breathwork exercises to put your new knowledge into action.

  • Yoga practices to deepen your connection with your body and intuition.


  • Learn how you get stuck in old patterns of suffering and how mindfulness can help.

  • Learn to mediate in an approachable way that’s great for beginners as well as advanced practitioners.

  • Guided meditations to experience tangible change instead of just thinking about it.

Improve Confidence Through Self-Compassion

  • How being nicer to yourself can actually help you achieve your goals faster than self-criticism.

  • Learn the common blocks that are keeping you from being compassionate with yourself.

  • Tools so you can actually find peace with you who are and gain confidence that radiates from the inside out.

  • Tangible exercises and practices to boost your stress resilience.

  • Learn to trust yourself during times of distress instead of always looking outside yourself.

Fill your toolbox with natural remedies to deal with all of these problem areas when they pop up:

  • Anxiety

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Brain fog

  • Low Mood

  • Chronic Pain

  • Headaches

  • Menstrual Cycle

  • Sleep Issues

Heal Your Body Through Natural Remedies

Learn the Secret to Maintain Progress

  • Learn the mindset that will help you maintain changes vs. fall back into old patterns.

  • Be guided to create your own quick but effective morning and evening rituals to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Plus Get These Bonuses!

  • Bonus Guide + Video

    The Ultimate Meditation Guide For People Who Hate to Meditate

    10 Minute Video + PDF

    You’ll Learn:

    -The mindset shift you need to make to make meditation easier.

    -Myths about mindfulness that are making it hard to practice.

    -Learn which type of mediation is best suited for YOU.

    Worth $75

  • Bonus Resource

    5 Sample Shopping Lists & Meal Plans

    You’ll Get:

    -5 Shopping lists designed to be under $100

    -5 Meals that can be made in 20 minutes or less

    -Save time, money, and brainpower

    Worth $100

  • Bonus Guided Audio

    EMDR-Inspired Guided Visualization

    You’ll Get:

    -A quick and easy tool to help you feel more relaxed and confident

    -A way to reduce the overwhelm of feeling big emotions.

    -A repeatable resource that is at your fingertips.

    Worth $50

And There’s More!

We don’t just want you learning generic material, we want you to be able to apply it to your life

That’s why we offer unlimited Q&A with the instructors through the SHTK community platform for 8 weeks after you purchase the course so you’re not just staring blanky at a computer screen when questions pop up

Worth $500

Allll that for (seriously!) just…

$399 USD.

Meet the Instructors

  • Alexia Holovatyk, Clinical Psychologist

    Hi! I’m Alexia. I am the founder and licensed therapist at Live Well Psychology Group. I have over a decade of experience in the mental health field helping people to grow from stressful experiences and trauma. I have been trained in mindfulness techniques, polyvagal theory, and somatic experiencing. I was always very goal-oriented and driven to succeed, but I never spent much time thinking about how my narratives or emotions influenced how my life was going. I have been on a journey of teaching myself to grow from stressful experiences, rather than be hardened by them. I would love for you to join me on this incredible path!

  • Sammie Mancine, Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner

    Hey, I’m Sammie! I have 15+ years of experience in healthcare and more than 5 years dedicated to regenerative and preventative medicine. I work with individuals worldwide to restore their physical and mental wellbeing through an array of holistic methods and an all-encompassing approach to health. In addition to my practice, I love hosting community events, speaking at wellness functions and I serve as an advisor for Omni-Biotic probiotics.

  • Alice Toyonaga, Yoga instructor and Healer

    I'm Alice and I've spent the last 12 years working at bridging the gap between our transformations on our yoga mats and our lives off the mat. I am a co-founder of Modo Yoga LA, two LA-based hot yoga studios and a virtual platform, and have spent the last two decades on my own health and wellness journey. I lead classes/workshops and guest speak on yoga and how to turn the "Impossible" into "I'm Possible" for lululemon, Nike, Disney, Spotify and others.

We’ve combined our decades of experience to create one integrative, holistic healing course to give you the tools you need to heal your mind, body, and spirit.

Together we have helped 100s of women reach their wellness goals.

 Are you ready to get our step-by-step roadmap to gain control over your emotional ups and downs, heal your body from the inside out, and join a supportive community of women?

Our 14-Day Guarantee

We want you to have all the tools you need to heal yourself from the inside out. If The Self-Healing Toolkit isn’t getting you there, we’ll give you your money back.

Wondering what happens if you invest in The Self-Healing Toolkit and feel like it isn’t working for you? Well, guess what? We’ve got you covered, every time. We want you to feel stoked about the material this course offers, so if you dig into the cirriculum, and feel that it isn’t for you, there won’t ever be hard feelings, we’ll just wish you the best on your next healing journey!

We have a 100% money back guarantee within the first 14 days of the SHTK — and if it isn’t right for you, you’re never, ever stuck. Just email us using the contact form below within the first 2 weeks of your SHTK start date and we’ll get it figured out.

YOU’VE GOT questions?

WE’VE GOT answers.

  • Each module has about 15-40 minutes of instructional videos broken down into smaller chunks. We recommend that you take a week to watch each module and do the homework to let each part sink in. On average, it takes people 8 weeks to complete the course.

    We’ve waded through the fluffy to simplify the information into the quickest, bite size chunks possible. We don't go on for hours rambling over video, we give you what you need to know and easy, no extra thought required, ways to implement it in your life to see real changes.

  • We get it! Going online allows you to complete this course on your own schedule. Make it yours! I often plug into my headphones and go for a walk when listening to online content if I can’t take any more screen time. Be sure to attend our live workshops and be engaged in the chat features if you want a more intimate connection!

  • You will get weekly emails gently nudging you to stay on track with the course so you don’t just buy it and forget about it.

    You’ll also get daily email reminders summing up activity from our online community platform.

    And remember, you only get the unlimited Q&A for 8 weeks after opening the course, so that should also incentivize you!

  • We encourage lifestyle changes that make your body feel good so would never recommend unsustainable diets. You are in control of the changes you make. We will encourage you to experiment to notice the effects of different foods on your body, but ultimately you are making the choices that feel right for you. Even small changes can produce big results.

  • Whether you have never meditated or done yoga before, we designed this to be accessible/ engaging for all levels. We also offer a chair yoga sequence for different bodies/ capabilities.

  • Absolutely. Our goal is to help, and we know this course may not be for everyone. Therefore, we have a 14 day period after purchasing the course if you don’t feel like you are benefitting. Just message us and we will refund every penny, no questions asked.

  • Yes, Absolutely! In fact we encourage it, if possible. This course is based on evidenced-based strategies and should integrate well with other care you are receiving. This course is meant to provide a roadmap to help you feel empowered an accountable on your holistic healing journey.

Still have questions?

Contact us if you would like to learn more.